It’s that time of year again, another season is upon us.
We missed all of you this summer, missed writing and missed having our guest bloggers. We are full steam ahead again!

What comes to mind when you think about change? For some, it may be high levels of anxiety, for some it may be excitement…a little of both? The last year triggered a monumental amount of realization and aha moments…or should I say WOMENTS for most of us. Some of us thought about acting on opportunity, while others may have dreamed. When Christine and I realized doors had opened, we both jumped.
Excuse our hiatus, but we were busy busting through some serious WOMENTS.
Over the next two weeks we’ll let you in on what we’ve been up too.
First things first though, we redesigned our site a bit.
We would love you to visit, have a look around. Same content, just a bit of a redesign. Let us know what you think!
We hope you enjoy!