What comes to mind when you think about change? For some, it may be high levels of anxiety, for some it may be excitement…a little of both? The last year triggered a monumental amount of realization and aha moments…or should I say WOMENTS for most of us. Some of us thought about acting on opportunity, while others may have dreamed. When Christine and I realized doors had opened, we both jumped. Excuse our hiatus, but we were busy busting through some serious WOMENTS.

Having a career in my profession and still being close to family was a dream that I thought would NEVER become a reality. I had spent 18 years growing a career in an industry that requires a thick skin. After paying my dues in the crazy world of fashion, I am so thankful and fortunate to be in the apparel world with a company that values work/life balance and family.
Office From Anywhere
With the remote work life, I started to wonder, why couldn’t I work from anywhere? My job was the reason I needed to be in the office everyday, and aside from amazing neighbors and friends we made along the way, work was the only thing keeping our family on the East coast. That daily expectation was gone now. What would it be like to have a life where kids could be around grandparents, have a support system, celebrate birthdays, grow up the way I did? Not to mention easier trips to see our Idaho and California family, we decided to make it happen.
From East To West
To say a lot happened in the last year was an understatement. My grandparents passed away within 2 weeks of each other last Fall. Everything was so sudden and the dust finally settled. Hmmm, an empty farmhouse on our family farm in Iowa. My grandparents always said it sure would be nice to have grandkids closer to home…little did they know our family would eventually be living in their home. We had a crazy idea! Lets sell our house in NY, fix up the farmhouse and make the move! The wheels were set in motion and before we knew it, our house sold and we were loading moving trailers after 10 years in upstate NY.
Double trouble hard at work. The Home Edit has been taken to a new level for me!

The once bustling Angus cattle farm where I would repel down a rope out of the hayloft onto my horse, pretending I was a real cowgirl, is now taking shape for my kids to get into trouble just like I did when I was a kid. We are on to our next adventure and loving every minute!
So there you have it, stay tuned for more adventures and WOMENTS from the Heartland!