We were literally, sick and tired!

We apologize for being quiet over the holidays, but literally, we have been sick and tired.  The end of 2020 and the start of 2021 didn’t disappoint for Lara and I and nope, it’s not because of a hangover.  

We hope you were able to enjoy!

Lara, aside from home schooling 3 kids and working, was diagnosed with Mono.  Yup, I wondered the same thing, whose she been kissing (LOL).  But all joking aside it’s really had her down and out with low grade temps that linger and are for sure worse than my quick hot flashes.  Throw in an occasional migraine and she has been rockin’ and rollin’ (sigh).

For myself, well I got the Rona, Corona, COVID-19, plague whatever you want to call it.  Thank God it was mild for me.  I compare it to my worst sinus infection and then 5 days before Christmas, I lost my sense of smell.  It was the only time I had been concerned, and cried a little, but midafternoon on December 25th, I had my Christmas Miracle, I could smell the Bengay.  That was being used for another purpose but still, I was rejoicing.  

So, we have been exhausted and literally both battling viruses.

BUT WE’RE BACK and better and funnier than ever.  Hoping to start the year off (ok a few weeks late, but better than never) right with some fun blogs, uplifting stories and WOMENTS (a small moment, chunk of time or activity where you are NOT multitasking but focusing on you!).

So, hang on ladies because we’re comin’.  

Please like and share all our blogs with the ladies in your circle (we would really appreciate it).

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  1. Yikes, Ladies! Glad to hear you’re on the mend! Sounds like you could definitely use a few Woments! I recommend masks… no, not those… hand masks, hair masks, face masks, but the FUN kind! You’ve both been through the mill, and who could possibly deserve a little self indulgence more?!

    1. Thank you Daryl, you’re right and we are taking our own advice 😊