Eat, Pray, Love Woments

My friend Nancy and I went on our first vacation together in probably 25+ years two summers ago. Her kids all grown she was able to start travelling, something she knew I loved to do. The pandemic had delayed our plans to go to Europe to celebrate our 50th birthdays, something we still need to do. So, we decided to go somewhere neither of us had visited, the Grand Canyon and Sedona.

My friend Nancy is a giver, she always has been for as long as I’ve known her. Finally, this trip was about her, and I was happy about that. She kept telling me “This is my eat, pray, love trip” and I would smile. On the surface I understood what that meant thanks to the movie, but I really didn’t understand the significance for my friend. Nancy was doing this trip for herself. After decades of giving to her family and job, both of which she loves, this time was for her. It

was only after our trip that I understood the significance of that.

Even though I’m single, no kids and a traveler, I do have some similar but different responsibilities like work and family. Our experiences are just different.

We went on our trip in August of 2021. Yes, the hottest time of the year but that was fine, it was when our schedules coordinated the best. We hiked the 8-mile trail on the rim of the Grand Canyon, took a “pink jeep” ride through the Red Rocks of Sedona, hiked up a red rock, grounded ourselves with bare feet on the earth, got some crystals, woke up very early for the sunrise and stayed up late to see the stars.

Maybe you need one or your friend needs one. Grab a friend and take that eat, pray, love WoMEnt when you need it. Nancy is headed into the next phase of her life. I’m excited for her. New opportunities, new butterflies, trying new things, more self-care and definitely more travel. She is ready to go!


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  1. What a great story of traveling with a great friend and the places you went and adventures you did while you were there.

  2. Christine, this rings so brightly today – after my 50th high school reunion, a delight in itself, I’m continuing the joy with letters and conversations with some folks whose presence in my formative years I’m only now appreciating. Taking the time to have the chats, make plans for lunch and visits, sharing our present lives – these are all Eat-Pray-Love moments that sustain. Even letting go of things seem to be essential in this journey…lightening the load, so to speak. Thank you for this woment!