My stress relief, CHOCOLATE.


It’s my addiction, my bad habit, my go to, feel good, stress relief. This blog will be published around Valentine’s Day or Easter next year for sure. I prefer milk chocolate (my friends can tell you my terrible addiction for Cadbury Mini Eggs), I’ve adjusted to eating dark chocolate for the most part over the past decade, because “it’s healthier” LOL. But OH THE EGGS! They used to be made in the UK and were to die for. Crunchy, Creamy STOP!!!!! They lost a bit of that extra Je Ne Sais Quoi since the Cadbury Company was sold.

You’ve seen the memes:

See the source image
Minions always have life worked out

Health coach, if your reading….don’t LOL. When I’m having a stressful Woment, chocolate does the trick, yes I’m working to break this habit, it’s just #truth. To all of you who say “oh I don’t have a sweet tooth”, um? That’s not normal. I don’t think I’ve met a human who doesn’t like chocolate? Do they exist on this planet?

No, I refuse to believe it’s even remotely possible.

During our trips, Lara and I would usually drop into a Hudson New Stand at the airport and indulge in some Godiva Pearls (with airport shops closed and Godiva closing their shops in the US, you can find them at Hallmark stores, I’ve checked). But it won’t be the same.

So the next time life just, you know, stinks. Don’t worry, take a Woment and have that bit of bliss. It’s ok. Just don’t go overboard.

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