Doing something nice for another person, really does bring you joy.
We’ve all seen them and if you haven’t, I guarantee you will start too. The “You are Beautiful” stickers. I generally see them at the bank ATM or at the gas station just above the pump you are using. This started as a passion project to make life a little better.

Years ago I took the Happiness Course through the Art of Living. One fun activity we did, was to leave small sticky notes for people in public spaces, with positive messages on them. Off to Target and the grocery store I went, sticky notes in hand. Hidden on the inside of a box of hair coloring or in the bottom of a carry basket, I put positive sayings which I hoped would brighten someone’s day.

Consequently, I never saw their reaction when they found the note either in the store, the car or at home several days later, but that’s part of the fun. Imagining where they found it, how they found it and how it made them feel. Hoping it was the perfect message they needed, just at the right time, brought me joy!
Brain Power
My friend Cindy a few years ago told me about Meta Mediation. I think I’ve written about this before. I do try to meditate each morning, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. The goal of Meta Mediation is to bring positive energy and kindness to yourself and others. Here is a short one I have done in the past.
Lately, I’ve been actively looking for an opportunity to brighten a strangers day. Taking a WoMEnt out of my day to brighten someone else’s. If you follow us on Instagram, I used this song in our stories, I’ve had it in my head literally all day.
Have you ever done something to make a strangers day better? How did you do it? Did you see their reaction at all?
I’m open to suggestions and would love to hear them. If I come up with something I will definitely share.
Since I’ve never been a big fan of giving things up, for Lent several years ago I decided to take up trying to make someone’s day a little brighter. Complimenting someone’s hair or smile or outfit. Waiting an extra moment to hold the door for someone behind me. And my personal favorite, flirting with every adorable child I encountered. Some of the results were amazing and incredibly gratifying. Almost always, the compliment would elicit a big smile. Once, during the pandemic, I had a woman tell me, “No one has said anything nice to me in so long”! The bottom line is that it has become a daily practice. It’s really just speaking aloud the things we so often admire in others. And the smiles that light up those faces are the very best payback!
Love this so much. I should try to do this more. Thanks for the tip Daryl.