
Modern Dear Abby

I might be late to the party, but that’s nothing new to me. Usually, the last one to catch onto a great TV show (Ted Lasso), new music and sometimes even a trend. I was texting with my friend Tim. When life hands us lemons the both of us have turned to inspirational books, quotes, pod casts, social media influencers etc. We went to lunch last week and without discussing it prior we both came to the same conclusion and have been doing a little detox from all this social media advice.

What makes or authorizes these people to be “experts” about life, emotions, what to eat, how to sleep, how to love, how to breakup, how to spend money, or not, what to read, who to vote for, or not, what to wear, how to look, how to wake up, how to parent, and the must have food trend at your next party….it really has gotten tiring.

I can hear people now, well you are telling women to take a Woment, or a moment for themselves, so aren’t you giving advice. Um maybe…. but we are not telling people HOW that looks for them. We are sharing stories of what moments we enjoy ourselves. The times that make us proud. The times we are encouraged by others.

Why are you different?

We are not here to “preach” we are merely here to encourage time for yourself by sharing hopefully funny or inspiring stories of our own experiences. We always encourage whatever taking a Woment looks like for you.

My friend Tim and I have oddly grown weary of social media influencers at the same time. All the advice is just way too much. All the advice on “how to be perfect” is overwhelming and not necessarily right for YOU.

What happened before social media?

Phone a friend

We called a friend and spoke to our family to figure “stuff” out. I messaged my friend Tina the other night, “I need some advice”, I said. So, I’m taking a woment and giving her a call. I’m not running to social media to get advice from someone who has no clue who I am. No clue what my goals are, and I’m definitely not listening to someone who doesn’t know my history, my situation or how I roll.

I’m going to clean up my social feed. We are our own experts and if we don’t have experience or the ability to trust our own gut, our tribes have seen it all, so trust them over social.

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1 Comment
  1. This speaks to me Christine!! Thank you and I will thank Tina for sharing. I’ve always heard great things about you🥰. Looking forward to more blogs.