Who Are These Women?

Well, what do you get when you cross a woman from the Midwest, married with 3 kids, enjoys gardening, travel and loves fashion and a woman from upstate New York, dating and best aunt ever, loves travel and fashion? You get WOMENT.  

So, we have been working for the same company for 9 years together. But it was only in the past 2 years when we began traveling a lot together, that we became friends. Traveling 9,000 miles from home together for anywhere from 1-2 weeks, gives you a lot of time to get to know each other and have experiences that lead to the best inside jokes and trip quotes to be used later on.  

We both design/develop product for a company in the Northeast.  We do the same job, although one of us does it for women and the other for men. Now it sounds glamorous, Paris, London, Hong Kong, Mauritius etc., but it can get exhausting and having great travel partners is key.

On a trip last year Christine was having hot flashes (oh the joy).  Since we were 12 hours ahead of our normal sleeping schedule, the flashes would come during the day instead of at 3 am when they normally did.  We were out competitive shopping in Hong Kong and a hot flash later , WOMENT was born! Our bottles of yummy inexpensive wine we purchased at a grocery store in Mauritius, became a WOMENT. Having a 4 hour layover in the Dubai airport, but getting free LaMer facials in duty free at 4 am, was a WOMENT.  

We want to give Women a place to share experiences, encourage each other and build each other up (no negativity here, but we do accept sarcasm and fun).  We want to talk about time outs we take for ourselves. Non guilty things we do for ourselves to get us through.  We should not feel guilty for taking time for ourselves at any stage of our life.  As you will see in our blogs, they can be as little as 5 minutes long to a weekend with the girls.  We want to here from you, what do you do when you take a WOMENT.

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  1. Hello! Great to see you Lara!
    (Lara married my brother Chris)@
    My Woment daily is my walk to the barn to tend to my critter. Kids are usually eating as I tackle this chore so I get a few minutes of silence.