For The Love of Johnnie Walker and Oreo
They came into our lives with the territory, one a golden whiskey hue and the other like a chocolate cookie…not double stuffed, just a touch of white. You may think I have a love of scotch whiskey blends and cookies, but no…well maybe..but, I’m referring to our kittens, Johnnie Walker and Oreo.
Johnnie Walker and Crew Oreo and Wade
Summer time for the kids was packed with fun with farm kittens. Every minute was spent outside with their new babies. Thanks to an irresponsible mother cat, they were once a litter of five, now it was just the perfect pair. Always together, never apart, JW and Oreo went on adventures everyday.

Even Animals Need a Woment
Once again, their irresponsible mother liked to take them on adventures across the gravel road to a bean field and leave them there to learn the ways of the farm cat hunting life. Okay, she’s a mother, I’ll cut her some slack….she was having a cat woment. With harvest in full swing and dry weather, we knew the farmer who owned that field would be cutting beans any day. Behind the wheel of a combine, there is little visibility to any critters in the path.
Everyday we watched for the combine to show up in that field and we made sure the kittens were out of harms way. Sure enough, the day that we were gone, the combine came. We looked and looked for Johnnie and Oreo after we had seen that the combine was busy at work. I had a gut feeling it wouldn’t be good. We thought for sure they were gone, until my husband was running up the road with Johnnie in his arms after he found him in a ditch near the field. He was alive, but it wasn’t good, so we said what we thought was goodbye, and my husband took him to the vet.

There Are Lots of Three Legged Cats
After I had given the kids the news, I had the most surprising phone call from the vet. She said, we can save this baby. I couldn’t believe it. She worked her magic and told us there were a lot of three legged cats in the county. Some vet humor came through when she told me the good thing is they can’t get on your countertops! The million dollar question was saving his broken back leg, not to mention missing some of his tail. I gave the go ahead as long as he had his happy juice and wasn’t in pain.
Best Friends for Life
We thought Oreo was gone for good. Low and behold, as soon as my husband came home from the traumatic experience, he took one more look in the ditch…and there he was, in the dark, tall grass. Oreo was also missing a leg, but not nearly as bad as Johnnie Walker. Back to the vet. Once Oreo was reunited with his brother, they were at peace and purring side by side. By the way, did I mention this was a Saturday night…our vet is AMAZING!
Crazy Cat Lady
After four days in the kitten hospital, I was able to bring the boys home. I never thought I would be using a pack and play again, but no major movements for these little guys yet. The crazy part, I have officially taken on two more house cats. I was thrilled that the kittens were going to be okay, but the veterinarian had said JW and Oreo would officially need to be in the comforts of the house. There was no turning back now, the kids are in love and thrilled to have the babies back and safe. Two three legged cats, what are the odds?! Yep, crazy cat lady, it’s embarrassing, BUT I don’t mind as long as they have each other.

Keep The Peace
For any cat owners out there, especially multi cat homes, you may know the occasional disagreement between feline friends can occur. I highly recommend Feliway pheromone diffusers and spray. The diffuser plugs into the wall and you won’t even know it’s there. The spray is great for travel or a trip to the vet.
Wonderful story, Lara!! Thank you.