The Selfie is a funny thing. We use sticks or contort ourselves to get just the right angle and take it over and over again until it comes out just perfect. The best news is if we don’t like the pic, we can just delete it.

Recently my mom gave me a box and bag that were the last of my things left in my parent’s house. Mainly, mementos from High School and College. At first, I didn’t know what I was going to do with everything and then I started going through the pile. Photo’s, real photos. I love printed pictures. Holding a photograph. There’s nothing better. I’ve gotten into making my nephew photo books each year of either a vacation, his running, or the school year. Unless you’re really good about it, kids won’t have photos to look back on, and hold. It seems foreign to me.
Growing up you would never think to turn the camera on to yourself. You would take 1 picture because there were only 24 frames on a roll of film. Hope that was a good shot. Guess I will find out in 2 months when I develop them LOL.

I was on vacation last week and was thinking about selfies on my walk. I’ve taken many in the past 5+ years solo and with other people. They get a bad rap sometimes. The “look at me”, “self important”, snapping and posting opens you up to criticism, bullying or how selfies are bad for my mental health.
So, I’m going to defend selfies for the purpose of this post.
1). Selfies are the best way single people can be in photos. If I’m traveling to a far-off place and want a photo of myself in that place, I’m taking a selfie.

2). I was able to take a selfie of my parents and I on vacation. Something I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to do because there was no one else around.

3). When you want to send someone special a quick picture and an I’m thinking of you note.
4). Maybe your just looking good on a particular day.

5). Remember an accomplishment.

For me, I embrace the selfie. I was walking along the shore and the scenery was lovely, with no one around I set my timer and took a selfie of my Woment.

When I get the chance, I do ask people to take pictures for me, usually people are lovely and have no problem helping a girl out. I even offer to take pictures for others so everyone can be in the captured memory.
That’s what you are trying to do, capture the memory, the moment so, Take it!