You know you’re a master of multitasking when you can combine the two. Date night and getting shit done! (WOMENT PHILOSOPHY). Not to mention the joys of home renovations, no matter how big or small.
Every once in a while you need total solitude in a home improvement store to complete that final home project. Picking out materials with little kids fussing and fighting, not good. What’s the worst that can happen…
- We ordered what?
- That’s the entirely wrong measurement.
- Where’s your sister? WHERE IS SHE!? In the lighting aisle..CRAP!!
- How much did I put on the credit card?
And best of all…
- Stop hitting each other, stop it!!…we’ll go to Applebees soon!
So I have taken a WOMENT and a new approach…babysitter, check. Dinner reservation, check. A quick stop at Lowe’s on the way, check!
So next time you need to take this approach, just tell your other half that you have plans for Friday night and there’s a sitter coming over. They’ll forget about picking out shower materials when you mention a babysitter.