I was born bald (nothing wrong with that, in fact I’m partial to bald babies, (yes all babies are beautiful, no letters regarding my preferences please)) and now I’m blessed with a head of thick curly hair that can get so unruly.
I’ve had people come up to me and touch my hair without asking or ask as they are touching, “is that natural” (I know what a pregnant woman feels like) and I have been traveling overseas and asked to be in a random persons family photo. I guarantee I’m in an ornate frame on some stranger’s wall as I’m writing this.
The other question I get a lot is, have you ever straightened your hair. Yes, is the answer to that, 1). I looked awful with straight hair (my opinion) 2). I did not want to devote what would amount to 547 hours of my life a year straightening it each morning.
My hair has not always been my friend. As a little girl I had longer hair, everyone loves little girls’ hair to be long, not my mom. She struggled so much with me and getting the tangles out by grammar school I had short hair. My mom had long hair and would tell me how she had to sit by the oven to dry her hair. Do you hear that, sit by the oven for hours drying her hair? While I always longed for the straight Jennifer Anniston hair and brought my hairdresser pictures of styles that would not happen for my head of hair, I have grown into my hair so to speak.

I’ve had several stylists who have tried to cut my hair, albeit unsuccessfully. It takes a certain kind of skill although looking at a pile of curls you wouldn’t think so. My hairdresser is amazing. I get my hair cut in the small town of Bennington, Vermont and I would put my hairdresser up against any stylist in any big city (get ready for the challenge John). He has taken so many classes on cutting curly hair, more than any of my previous stylists, he really knows the technique. Getting my hair cut and colored (come on ladies I am 50 this isn’t natural anymore) is a WOMENT for me. I was in the salon the day after he had a NY celeb in who was working on a project near by. I started to tell John about our Woment blog and he got it immediately. I mean after all, if I guessed his clients are 95% women. He started to tell me the differences between men and women LOL. Women have more emotion he says, they wear it on their sleeve, guys…don’t. I suggested he could be a guest blogger since he probably knows more about women then we know about ourselves. He was hesitant 😂.

Back to cutting my hair. I trust the process and that is important. Of course, I’m not very annal and I’m more on the low maintenance side, “IT WILL GROW OUT”, but because I know he’s skilled I give him free rain over the locks. So ladies….embrace what you have, in your time go “natural” (to my grandmother that was until the day she died), and find a stylist you trust so you can sit back and relax for an hour or so.
No stress.
Take a WOMENT.
I am SOOO jealous! Some of the best days of my life have been spent in John’s chair… certainly the best-looking days. I too would put him up against any stylist on the planet! One of the biggest drawbacks to moving across the country (aside from missing great pals like you) is that John refused to move here as well!
Love this. I too am a curly girl and trust a John with my locks. I didn’t embrace my curls until my 40s and even then I loved a good blow out. Now that I approach 60, and I one of the side effects from Covid months is that I am letting the gray take over. John is guiding me in this journey, so I am embracing my curls and my gray. Some days are better than others when it comes to acceptance of the gray….thank you for highlighting John and the Clip Shop. Ps. I have been married for 35 years and I have known John longer than that…..
John has been my stylist and close friend for over 30 years. I have the texture of curly hair without any curl. It’s basically frizz. He makes me look and feel gorgeous. He is a great friend to many. An artist trained by some of the best in the industry. The Clip Shop prides themselves with continuous education and commitment to their clients, employees, their families and our communities. Founded by entrepreneurs, artists and stylists Vasso and Carlos, based on superlative customer service, their motto is “the difference between okay and extraordinaire”.
Love everyone at The Clip Shop like family. ♥️