This little tree of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!

Just a quick blog to let you all know that I’m rebelling this year. I’m keeping my Christmas tree up…..maybe until Valentines Day ❤. I’ve already told some people about my decision and I’ve received a wide variety of reactions. “You are”? to “TAKE IT DOWN”, to “oh really” – following side eye like I…

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My year end holiday hangover resolution?

December 26th, 27th, 28th….The build up to the holidays starts somewhere around October 1st and crescendos on December 25th or there abouts. Three months of preparation and it’s over in a blink. Gifts opened from Santa in less than an hour and food eaten in less than 30 minutes. You wake up on the 26th…

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Life On The Tailgate

On large row crop farms, harvest isn’t a hobby, it’s a livelihood for each family. Acres and acres of multi-million dollar family businesses that feed the world. What Time Is It? Harvest Time! Some of my most fond memories of growing up on the farm, started in the month of October and usually wrapped up…

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Say Yes! So Lara has shared her news and how she said yes to the opportunity to move home and now I’m going to share mine. I will be honest with you I wasn’t sure that I wanted to shout this from the rooftop. I tend to be quiet on how I challenge myself until…

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Home Is In The Heartland

What comes to mind when you think about change? For some, it may be high levels of anxiety, for some it may be excitement…a little of both? The last year triggered a monumental amount of realization and aha moments…or should I say WOMENTS for most of us. Some of us thought about acting on opportunity,…

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