Who Are These Women?

Well, what do you get when you cross a woman from the Midwest, married with 3 kids, enjoys gardening, travel and loves fashion and a woman from upstate New York, dating and best aunt ever, loves travel and fashion? You get WOMENT.   So, we have been working for the same company for 9 years…

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The Hardest Job I’ll Always Love

I’ll never forget my first Mother’s day. There I was, home from a five day stay in the hospital, looking out the window from my bed. The first of the green grass was overgrown in the yard and the days were finally getting warmer. In the co-sleeper next to me were two tiny baby boys…

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Welcome to CoVid Homeschooling

As a working mom, I have become the master of multitasking. When my twins were babies, it never failed, the dreaded call from daycare right during a major meeting, in preparation for a meeting, or worse..having the guilt from every direction (mostly self-inflicted) that I had to run out because someone had a fever, puking…

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SDS (Social Distancing Single)

Excuse me, Covid, from someone who’s single, could you move on? After all, the only thing that keeps me sane is being social 🙄. Now, the only social part of my days are watching my Govenor (the Love Gov) Andrew Cuomo (we have a date every day at 11:30), work video calls and walking my…

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What is a Woment?

We’re glad you asked. A WOMENT is that deep breath, that 15 minutes of quiet, that glass of wine, turning up the music and singing at the top of your lungs or the girls weekend trip. Women tend to feel guilty if they take time for themselves, treat themselves or indulge. Most women multitask and…

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