Celebrate You Gurl

When you talk to yourself what types of things do you say? Are most of the things you tell yourself positive? Or the sad alternative – negative talk? I’ve experimented with several type of things, from posting a list of positive things on the bathroom mirror to practicing while looking in the mirror positive affirmations…

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As the Summer comes to an end, it’s great to take a WOMENT to recap some highlights. For me, nothing beats Summer on the farm and I’m so grateful my kids get to have the same experience I had growing up. The Garden We resurrected my Grandma’s 100′ x 30′ garden and fought Canadian thistles…

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Italian bucket list, CHECK

Schedule your bucket list item NOW. We all have dreams and things we would like to accomplish before our time is up. I know I have a mental list and I had my parents compile theirs. Just like any work “to do” list, bucket lists are important. It’s important to be able to check pleasurable…

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I love the Winter Olympics

I LOVE the Olympics (probably more before they let professional athletes play in them). I always have. We would watch the Olympics in my house religiously. You would have no idea who an athlete was but by the end of the Olympics you were referring to them by their first name: Dorothy, Scott, Nancy, etc.…

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Crazy Cat Lady – Part Two

There’s Nothing Better Than a Pet WOMENT They are there every day and love you no matter what.  We recently had to say goodbye to one of our pets of 18 years.  Beamer was with me through every big move across the country, my career and every new addition to the family.  We have so…

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The New F Word: Forty

A Poem For The Ageless Badasses Remind me again, why is 40 so great? It feels like yesterday I was at a college football tailgate. Ah, my twenties..all nighters, friends, starting a career. Memories of a flat stomach, perky boobs and not an ounce of fear. Who’s this new guy? He’s driving a Honda Civic,…

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