My year end holiday hangover resolution?

December 26th, 27th, 28th….The build up to the holidays starts somewhere around October 1st and crescendos on December 25th or there abouts. Three months of preparation and it’s over in a blink. Gifts opened from Santa in less than an hour and food eaten in less than 30 minutes. You wake up on the 26th and some people are literally hung over and some, well, have a hang over of a different kind.

The holiday whirlwind of decorating, shopping, wrapping, cookie making, parties and endless Hallmark movies with identical story lines are done or dwindling down.

What Next? There is such a let down all of a sudden. What’s a girl to do?

If you’ve been paying attention TV commercials since December 26th at 12:00 am they have all changed from HO HO HO, Santa, cooking, bake offs, Baily’s and M&M’s to diets and weight loss, exercise plans, detox, 30 day plans, Peloton challenge, Noom, Weight Watchers and every drug to treat every condition you can think of.

We need to find something to look forward too, not just reading “YEAR IN REVIEW” articles. I’ve heard from a lot of people they are ready to turn the page. My friend and I always proclaim how next year is going to be better. I’ve already told her I’m not saying that this year.  We are in a ‘wait and see’ kinda mode.

I know….doing our taxes for April 15th (which will be here soon enough) that’s something to look forward to! Ha bah humbug.  Is Valentine’s Day our only option? I swear I saw Valentine’s products for sale right before Christmas.  Nope I got it, Presidents Day? LOL. I know, it’s a stretch. Valentine’s Day it is.

If you live in the North one positive is it will start to get dark later, each day little by little the sun will shine longer. But it’s not warming up any time soon, we have a few long and one short month ahead of us. I found this which I thought was really nice:

I have one friend who always insists I chose a ‘word’ to describe how I’m going to tackle the year ahead.  I’m excited to announce I already have my word.  Usually its January 7th and she’s yelling at me to tell her my word.  Mind you, I could not tell you what my word was for 2021 HAHAHAHA.  But on December 29th, I am proud to say my word for 2022 is ‘eudaimonia‘ from Aristotle.  It means ‘living the good life’.  Cheers to that!

So, what are you looking forward to now that the hustle and bustle is over? Lara and I already decided no New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t like them, and never stick to them. We have decided that our only ‘commitment to ourselves’ is to make sure our 2022 is filled with WoMEnts which does coincide with my word for the year.

5 minutes a day, 5 minutes a week, whatever we can fit in, we are going to do it.

Happy New Year.  Always look forward friends…


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