So, I realize people are stressed these days which leads to an array of emotions.  I was on the phone chatting with a friend who was missing someone and she started to cry, I could empathize.  I said to her, now don’t be offended, how old are you?  “Late 40’s”, she said.  Well, I said, “I’m not discounting your feelings that you aren’t missing this person, but don’t discount your hormones as well”.

I will tell you ladies, no one really talks about the “other stuff” that happens when your hormones are totally and completely out of whack.

Well, I’m gonna tell you my turkey story.  I can totally laugh about it now but at the time, NO WAY.

It was my mom’s birthday.  I thought it would be nice to have my family over.  Since Thanksgiving always seems so short and we all love turkey, I decided to make a full Turkey dinner for 9 people.  Now making all this alone is kind of a big undertaking but I’m usually a daredevil in the kitchen.  By that I mean, I’m always making recipes and experimenting on my guests (don’t worry I don’t think I’ve poisoned anyone yet hahaha).  It’s probably my creative nature coming out in cooking.  Living on the edge a bit.

Now this was a turkey.  I’ve probably only made 2-3 whole turkey’s my entire life.  So, I read the packaging, check the time, and in the oven it went.  Smelled good and seemed to be just fine.

Photo by @shoeibabhn

I had everyone come to the table and started organizing all the dishes to be passed.  I asked my brother for a hand in cutting the turkey.  So, he started. Cut, Cut….um “is this pink” he says, “I think this is still raw”.  I turned around and yup, still raw.  How could that be?  Oven was on, I checked the cooking time.  Now, typically I would just roll with it, get a pan, and cook some slices.  But for some reason on this day I began to cry and cry and cry.  I could not stop.  No matter what I said to myself, no matter what anyone said to me, I could not stop.  

I served everything and put it on the table.  I sat down (yup still crying) and everyone began to eat.  Awkward silence, my family tried to act normal but seriously they couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room, I was still crying.  

Finally, my mom said, “Chris it’s fine”, “everything tastes delicious”.  That was nice of her, but at that moment I just wanted to be invisible and cry for as long as I wanted. I think I pretty much cried until they left.  What a terrible experience for them and for me.  Especially since I have no clue why I was crying.

Yup just like this. Ok maybe more of a sob LOL

This is for the guys…..sometimes we just cry.  No explanation, you didn’t do anything, I’m not stressed, I just can’t control the tears coming from my face.    

Ladies just have a good old cry. Maybe it’s not the most convenient time or place but it’s best just to get it over with.  Because seriously you are just fighting that which we have no control over.  

It’s such a weird experience.  I now know to check in with myself, take a Woment, so it doesn’t escalate that much.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if my body is taken over by small aliens who make me cry again.  It’s inevitable I feel.

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