0-10 mph

Let’s get serious for a second.  Life is crazy, or we make it crazy.  Keeping up with the Smiths (the Jones always get blamed LOL), running in circles, activities, parties, work, cooking, travel, driving, exercise, pets, partner, kids, go, go, go.  I know there are times I’m on the brink of burn out.

The reason we are encouraging women to take a Moment or a WOMENT is because we must.  To save our sanity.  

Just the other day my friend Dave (name changed to keep his identity hush hush) called me.  He was saying how crazy things have been in life and work.  “Dave”said, “I just need to start scheduling some time for myself”.  He thought scheduling time for himself on the calendar every day, would help him do it.

After listening to him I said, “I think you need a WOMENT”.  He said “your right, I do need a Woment or my form of”.  I said to him,” why do you feel like you need to set aside time every day (the all or nothing approach), why can’t you start off with 1 day and set aside an hour and build up from there?”  

Spending time to take a WOMENT is like building a muscle.  We are so used to doing for others or doing what is required of us we need to LEARN how to take time for ourselves.  We need to exercise our WOMENT muscle.

So as with everything else, don’t try to be an overachiever right off the bat.  I’ve started doing yoga and I’m doing it slowly, 1-2 videos per week, not 7 days a weeknight off the bat.  You can bet I’m starting at the beginner level too.   Commit to doing 1 thing for yourself this week.  Then next week do 1-2, the week after 2-3.  Length of time doesn’t matter, it’s just the quality of what you do for yourself.  

Guys don’t be ashamed.  Take a WOMENT for yourselves too.

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