Sharing a Woment!!!! Beyond the comfort zone.

A friend of I’m having a Woment, text us and said, “I’ve got a good Woment for you”. We suggested she write a blog, but she wanted to remain anonymous. We totally respect that. So here is a blog from K. Enjoy!!!!! (Remember to get in touch with us if you want to share one…

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Soaps….Where Did The Time Go?

Flashback…I’m a kid, lunch time on a weekday was always just before noon. My mom was Johnny on the spot! Hmm, the weekends aren’t like this. I remember going down for a nap at exactly 12:00, I heard the music coming from the TV in the living room. An all too familiar tune, I can…

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Calling all Target shoppers!

I have one Woment I know most of us share, TARGET! RETAIL THERAPY!!!! Some of the best, but not always the cheapest kind of therapy. Yup the old bullseye.  The phenomenon of spending way more than I intended is not just MY out of control spending habit, I know it happens to you too.  I…

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Don’t break these balls!

My friend Jessica told me about this today.  I know Nora Roberts, Brian Dyson and a few others have written or made speeches using this analogy and thought it was a good advice for now: Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them –…

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I Only Dry My Tears With Cashmere

Pre-CoVid office drama was like a train wreck. I always hated dealing with it, but it came barreling at me on the worst days. I have to admit, the WFH life has removed that unforeseen element of drama, which is pretty great. This is a story of one (of many) memorable “train wreck” days that…

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Thousand Dollar Rims on my Minivan

Me, own a minivan?  Never!  That’s what I said about ten years ago.  A lot changes in ten years.  We all have so many memories in our cars, it’s amazing how much time you spend with your car.  So many WOMENTS are experienced in your ride, but I’ll save that for another post.   Today, I’m…

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