I have one Woment I know most of us share, TARGET! RETAIL THERAPY!!!! Some of the best, but not always the cheapest kind of therapy.

Yup the old bullseye. The phenomenon of spending way more than I intended is not just MY out of control spending habit, I know it happens to you too. I will go in for toilet paper and I will leave with an entire new workout wardrobe, vitamins, tank top, throw rug and maybe some red licorice. I need all of this stuff! $150-200 later when I’m in my car I think, did I get the toilet paper?

I’m sure Target has done some studies on why people can’t go into their store and purchase the ONLY thing they intended to get. Maybe the same thing happens in Walmart? Not sure because Target is where my vice is at.
I go through periods where I intentionally don’t go to Target, so I don’t spend money. I either wait or would rather pay slightly more for that one thing I need and get it at the grocery or drug store when I’m there, than risking the trip into TARGET.
I’m a TARGET alright, I have a TARGET right on my wallet (LOL, I crack myself up). But inevitably I find myself in the parking lot (I drive right by a Target when going to my parents’ house (ok, I could go another way but, don’t judge), looking at that Red (PMS 2035 C) and White color logo accepting the challenge and promise myself, I’m just running in and out for one thing.
(Gentleman skip this paragraph) This is one of those times I have a bit less pressure because I don’t share my income. I’ve had friends say, oh I bought this or that and hid it in the closet or I hide the bags from the store in the trunk til my partner is gone, or oh yeah, he doesn’t need to know how much I spend, I lowball it.
HAHAHAHA. That’s just a next level stress LOL.
I am getting better at assessing my extra spending trying to only get the necessities. My friends and I were out to dinner last Friday night and we were discussing how while at Target, we look down the paper towel and disinfectant wipe row every time we are there and still not much inventory. I haven’t done it yet, but rest assured I will use that as an excuse eventually “I have to go to Target to get some Clorox wipes, CoVid afterall”. There is no doubt, the wipes will not enter my cart but a whole host of other things will.

Stay strong Target shoppers.