I Only Dry My Tears With Cashmere

Pre-CoVid office drama was like a train wreck. I always hated dealing with it, but it came barreling at me on the worst days. I have to admit, the WFH life has removed that unforeseen element of drama, which is pretty great. This is a story of one (of many) memorable “train wreck” days that created a WOMENT philosophy I truly love.

It was a typical day at the office.  The morning started in a dead sprint when my alarm went off.  Pack lunches, back packs, breakfast, don’t miss the bus, manage to get myself ready, load another kid in the car, off to daycare, 40 minute drive, breakfast in the car, sprint through the office door..whew!  I made it!  Finally, I can enjoy the hot coffee in my trustworthy Yeti mug (AH…WOMENT).  Emails, good mornings, and smiling faces of my co-workers share the latest about their night or what’s on their mind.  Some I have known for years, some only a few short months….wait, who is that new person walking down the hallway?  I go into focus mode; I have a tight timeframe to get sh#t done! (WOMENT philosophy).

Amongst the chaos of the workday, my body gets a chance to be still.  Something that NEVER happens at home.  I enjoy the banter, the creative minds, and the occasional productive meeting.  On this particular day, I was walking into what I thought was a productive meeting that I was asked to offer support to the presenter due to my experience and the learning curve being discussed to new faces. 

Now, for people who know me, really know me, know that I leave no detail behind.  I’m extremely patient, but If you rub me the wrong way, there is a frightening silence before my head could potentially start spinning.  It was in this meeting that a new face point blank accused me of not doing everything that they do.  Really?!!  Did they even ask what I did or know what I did?  Nope.  I could feel it happening, the fury was being unleashed inside, the silence was crossing my face…my head was about to spin.  In my most professional way, I excused myself to go to another meeting.  Heck no, I didn’t have another meeting, I was about to have the most significant WOMENT of that entire month combined.  

I had to escape, FAST.  I always say that everything happens for a reason, because in that very WOMENT my escape route had the two best people imaginable there to listen.  I hit my boiling point and it was all coming out.  They listened, we even laughed, then to finish it all out the only thing available to clean up my crying mess was a cashmere sweater on the table. 

Sounds odd, but we do work in an apparel company and there’s an occasional sweater available in a pinch.  One of the women, who I adore, said in her Long Island accent, “here, dry your tears on this!” and handed me the cashmere sweater…I paused and thought, what the hell?  I deserve it right now.

At that moment, one of my favorite philosophies was born…

“I only dry my tears with cashmere.”

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