It’s about TIME

It’s so weird. I’m just going to call it out for what it is.   I have spoken to so many people about time lately.  Initially when the pandemic started (I live in NY so it started earlier here) the news felt so ominous that I thought we would never get to summer. I literally…

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Chrismoose on the Loose

Most people are familiar with Elf on the Shelf, but in our house we have Chrismoose. He comes out of his box from the basement the day after Thanksgiving and needs a night to get limbered up, so he takes a break to nap for the first night.  Over the course of the time between…

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Gratitude with attitude

So, my friend Christian Guerin (name changed again to keep it an alias, this was his choice. First he chose Jeff and then changed it LOL ) was having a tough time with his back over the past few months.  It was so bad that just getting out of bed and taking a few steps…

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So, I realize people are stressed these days which leads to an array of emotions.  I was on the phone chatting with a friend who was missing someone and she started to cry, I could empathize.  I said to her, now don’t be offended, how old are you?  “Late 40’s”, she said.  Well, I said,…

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Thanksgiving 2020

As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of a rather gruesome little song my son learned in nursery school: “Thanksgiving Day is coming”, Old Mr. Turkey said. “Very careful I must be Or I will lose my head”. It seems oddly appropriate for this year.  Faced with an ongoing and surging pandemic, we all must be very…

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Eyes in the Back of my Head

There’s a certain philosophy that holds true in our house.  For me it’s a WOMENT philosophy.  Moms and teachers have a set of eyes in the back of their head.  They know all and see all. What my kids find fascinating is that Grandma’s are extra special.  They don’t just have a set, they have…

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