My Woment, My Coffee, My Way

Coffee – It picks you up, it calms you down, it’s the lifeblood that drives the dreams of champions.

Mike Ditka – Kicking and Screaming

If somebody were to ask me if there is one thing I absolutely couldn’t give up or go without, it is coffee!

Believe it or not, I could give up chocolate before giving up coffee. I had no choice but to give it up twice in my life, when I was pregnant. The morning sickness helped me kick the habit, but I also enjoyed decaf tea to trick my brain into thinking I was enjoying the morning ritual. For the AM tea drinkers out there, sorry…it’s just not the same.

Since working from home, my consumption has kicked up a notch….or another pot! Nothing like a fresh pot brewing first thing in the morning to pacify me through the meetings, zoom calls, and emails. My coworkers are probably all too familiar with my “go-to” coffee cups now on zoom calls…it’s either the huge Starbucks mug or my infamous “good days start with COFFEE and a cat” cup.

My Coffee Rules of Engagement

  • The cup/mug has to be LARGE. No tiny little tea cup…something that means business, heats your hands on a chilly morning and sets the mood for your day. On the go, I highly recommend my favorite mugs from YETI and Swell to keep it hot!
  • It has to be hot and fresh and NEVER…EVER…heat coffee in the microwave. When we were in the office on a daily basis, I actually…GASP, saw people getting their “heat up” in the microwave. A fellow coffee connoisseur noticed the same thing…you know who you are if you’re reading this;). We couldn’t believe it, we both came down on the situation…just brew a new pot people!
  • Respect the add-ins. Some like coffee black, cream and sugar… I personally can’t live without my almond milk creamer. Yes, I like copious amounts of creamer, if I were to pick a pantone shade, it would have to be in the Caramel zone.

But, I may not go this far with the creamer….or will I?

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