That’s Not My Name

You know the moment when someone puts their own little twist on your name? That happens to me ALL THE TIME. First time, okay…I’ll let it slide. I politely correct, because it is my name after all. Second time..maybe it just takes a little bit to get used to, no problem. After a year!! We’ve got a whole other set of issues.

This has happened to me on more than one occasion. The last time it happened, it was like a virus…Everyone in the office started hearing it (Loh-ra) and saying it over and over again! Just as well call me Deb, or Bob… that’s not my name!

Eventually, the truth came out, I know my truth. This was my WOMENT! I wasn’t going to let someone take my identity. I corrected it for the last time. Those who knew me well had my back. Funny how repetition infiltrates the mind. Now, is it Laura (Loh-ra) or Lara (Lair-ra)? Neither! Say “car”, now say “Lar”, put an “uh” on the end.. that’s me. Named after a great grandma who was Laura Jane, everyone pronounced her name (Law-ruh). I am so happy my mom and dad kept the tradition alive and gave me the unique phonetic spelling Lara Jayne. Remember, your parents gave you your name for a reason, protect it..even if means having a WOMENT.

Watch “The Ting Tings – That’s Not My Name” on YouTube

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  1. Hi Lara!! 😊 Thank you so very much for your Woment post. I was named after the Julie Christie character from the movie, “Dr. Zhivago”. It has been a curse my entire life because so few can say those 4 letters correctly. I am not exaggerating, it’s a daily conversation. I use the same example of “car” as well. 😉 I will add in “bar”, that might help it stick lol. Since most say, Laura, I try to be funny about it and say, “my parents couldn’t afford to buy the extra vowel”. However, I am quite annoyed and fed up with having to correct people that I have worked with for 3 yrs now as well as the volunteer organization that I am apart of. I have met very few Lara’s in my life, but relieved to see it isn’t my struggle alone. Keep up the good fight, it is a pretty name!
    ~ Lara Whitney

    1. Hi Lara! Thank you for your note and I’m so glad you liked my WOMENT.🤗 So great to hear we aren’t in it alone! Hopefully my blog can help provide some pronunciation education LOL. It is a pretty name, keep up the corrections with your the extra vowel..I may need to use that one😂.

  2. This is great and I can somewhat relate,, but mine is a unique spelling. I was named after my grandfather who was Nicolas, which is also not the typical spelling. People who I worked with for YEARS couldn’t get it right. Even when my name is spelled at the bottom of the email, they would reply and add the “e” every time. Hopefully I was one who pronounced your name correctly. If you lived in Boston, using “car” to reference the correct pronunciation could take on a whole new version of your name. 🙂