I love the Winter Olympics

I LOVE the Olympics (probably more before they let professional athletes play in them). I always have. We would watch the Olympics in my house religiously. You would have no idea who an athlete was but by the end of the Olympics you were referring to them by their first name: Dorothy, Scott, Nancy, etc. (I guess I really enjoyed ice skating). I remember the excitement at my grammar school when the Olympic torch came through our parking lot on the way to the 1980 Lake Placid Olympic games. The torch from Greece coming through our small town of Latham. OMG!

I get emotional when I see people achieving victory. I sob when they spotlight the families and friends who have been cheerleaders and supporters for their athlete and the stories they have to tell. While there is a lot to be said for team sports and no one gets to that spot on the podium alone, when I see athletes who are shocked by their own personal performance, I am a puddle. They have been working in some cases since they were a toddler towards their goal.

I remember running my first 5k (I did two of them and will never do another LOL). When I crossed the finish line it was like I won my own Olympics. The rush of adrenaline, the happiness that you finished (without incident), and all the hard work that you put in that no one saw paid off.

I always joke with my nephew, hey the Olympics are in Paris in 2024, don’t you feel like going 😊. Of course, I don’t mean he would go as a spectator but a participant. HAHAHA – No pressure. AUNT CHRISSY WANTS TO GO TO THE OLYMPICS! But even watching him run, his teammates and other participants. I get choked up. The person who is dead last, has my respect. They are out there trying and persevering. It takes dedication, commitment, and some kind of skill obviously.

I like watching track and field, but oddly considering I cannot attach anything to my feet and step, skate or slide on ice or snow, I LOVE THE WINTER OLYMPICS. I’m lucky if I can stand on the pavement with my rubber boots on and not fall LOL. I will be taking time out for me over the next couple weeks (woMEnt) and watching the competition. Getting inspired and living vicariously.

Maybe I will preorder tickets!

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