The New F Word: Forty

A Poem For The Ageless Badasses


Remind me again, why is 40 so great?

It feels like yesterday I was at a college football tailgate.

Ah, my twenties..all nighters, friends, starting a career.

Memories of a flat stomach, perky boobs and not an ounce of fear.

Who’s this new guy? He’s driving a Honda Civic, always wearing Oakley’s and a goatee.

What?…It was all about gas mileage and trying to look cool for me.

He asked me to say “I do” and before I knew it we were on to the next adventure.

Welcome to my thirties, my career leading the way, the daily routine was second nature.

Me, myself and my guy, from Idaho to Vermont.

We decided to live in upstate New York to avoid houses with a haunt.

We found a place to rent…It was just us, so we thought.

Avoiding a ghosts? Not possible for rent in upstate New York or Vermont.

I’ll save that story for another time, this is a story about how we mature and grow.

That leads me to next part…escrow, escrow, ESCROW!

Finally, a house to call our own.

Now I really am a grown up….oh crap, the yard needs a mow.

It was now or never, would the timing be right?

Didn’t matter, my pants were already tight.

Eight weeks and the first ultrasound underway,

My husband nearly fell over when we found out there were two…It will be okay.

Sleepless nights, blowout diapers and daycare.

Only one in there this time when I peed on a stick 18 months later.

The babies were growing fast, and I finally had time to breathe.

New friendships and work travel gave me reprieve.

The working mom dance is starting to wear on me.

It’s my expectation though, I’ll try to make this look easy.

It’s still fresh from my late 30’s, but I was starting to crack.

Then Covid was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Welcome to the most unrealistic expectation of multi-tasking.

Teaching kids to read and write while your next zoom call is waiting.

All in perspective now and so happy we made the move.

I’m going to jump into 40, no problem, it’s going to be smooth.

Um, is it 40 and fabulous or 40 and falling apart?

Because my body just told me I’m becoming an old fart.

Chronic fatigue, crazy hormones and glasses.

But look on the bright side, 40-year-olds still have good asses.

The boobs aren’t so perky now, but they sustained life.

While the C-section scars are my badge of honor from the knife.

My shoulder aches when the barometric pressure drops.

But I’m reminded of my glory days in sports every time it pops.

Is Forty so fabulous, depends on who is watching you see,

When my daughter says “Mommy, you are beautiful to me.”

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