Welcome to CoVid Homeschooling

As a working mom, I have become the master of multitasking. When my twins were babies, it never failed, the dreaded call from daycare right during a major meeting, in preparation for a meeting, or worse..having the guilt from every direction (mostly self-inflicted) that I had to run out because someone had a fever, puking or just split their tongue open falling off a jungle gym. When the third kiddo came along, I finally gave my sanity a break and realized it’s okay to miss that meeting right now because my babies need me, and guess what?…I will still get everything done. I have always been fortunate enough to have the remote work experience during the chaotic times when kids needed to be out of school or daycare, keeping on top of Tylenol doses, meals, naps, emails, and projects was completely doable because I only had to suck it up for a few exhausting days. Enter next level, CoVid and homeschooling. Twins in kindergarten and a three year old who is the master of mischief, and yes..while working from home. Talk about WOMENTS! At first I thought, how do I make this work? What’s the new routine? So many parents are in the same boat. With the help of the kids school and plenty of comic relief from my sister-in-laws, we started to fall into a routine. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way…

WOMENT #1 – Tough Love

I finally understood working one on one with my kids what the teachers were telling me. It was time to get to business and stop the complaining and tantrums asap. Good tactic – complaining earns you scooping horse crap or stacking wood for the neighbors.

WOMENT #2 – Never trust a three year old

The big brown eyes look at me while she gets on a step stool to grab daddy’s computer because she has “work” to do. THEN I find a stack of lifesaver wrappers by her kid scissors. THEN I find chunks cut out of her clothes. THEN scissors are hidden! God knows what she’s going to cut next. This is from the little girl who when she was two, decided to rub a tub of A&D ointment on her head. That’s a whole other WOMENT. By the way, I now know how to remove A&D from hair.

WOMENT #3 – Cherish the morning/Get sh$t done!

My favorite part of the day. All is quiet, I workout (Beachbody on Demand Morning Meltdown – love!), I take a walk, plow through emails, coffee is brewing, then I hear a herd of little elephants coming down the stairs…ah, the best.

WOMENT #4 – Patience of Job

Never thought I would be teaching twins to read, then math, don’t forget art, music, PE, writing time is a WOMENT in itself, hearing a computer and phone ping non-stop, and zoom meetings all at the same time…whew!..which leads me to…

WOMENT #5 – Wine anyone?

Favorite blends right now are anything Apothic. Red, white…It’s Friday. Yes please!

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