The Hardest Job I’ll Always Love

I’ll never forget my first Mother’s day. There I was, home from a five day stay in the hospital, looking out the window from my bed. The first of the green grass was overgrown in the yard and the days were finally getting warmer. In the co-sleeper next to me were two tiny baby boys intertwined and sleeping with each other.

Major WOMENT – I officially have the title of Mom. It was surreal, and loaded with the biggest responsibility I have ever encountered. Not just about me anymore. There was excruciating pain in my stitched belly evey time I rolled over to put a binky in a baby’s mouth to prove it. I was hooked up to a breast pump around the clock to get my body to produce milk since it was in shock from blood loss. I didn’t even realize it was Mother’s Day until the flowers arrived. Each day rolled into night, to 1:00 am, 2:00 am, 3:00 am, 4:00 am…darn birds chirping..5:00 am. Finally SLEEP! Two glorious hours of sleep. Did I mention it’s critical to get twins on the same schedule?! Then do it all over again, eat, pump, drink water, nurse, burp, pump, eat, nurse..pump..pump, mastitis. But wait, don’t forget to pump through the pain. Another WOMENT – focus and breathe through it. Better yet football hold two babies and nurse through it.

But through it all, I was fortunate to have my mom. We encountered so many WOMENTS together…tears, laughs, exhaustion, baby poop, getting peed on, and most of all the damned birds at 4:00 am!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms experiencing so may WOMENTS!

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