Most people are familiar with Elf on the Shelf, but in our house we have Chrismoose.
He comes out of his box from the basement the day after Thanksgiving and needs a night to get limbered up, so he takes a break to nap for the first night. Over the course of the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, he moves to a different spot each night…(creepy, right?) Can’t be more creepy than an Elf moving around…

Chrismoose is known to eat copious amounts of peanut butter M&M’s. As a matter of fact, does that moose know that a family pack of M&M’s is supposed to last longer than three days? This moose isn’t cheap.

He can be found anywhere in the house, but a different spot each morning after his mischievous acts throughout the night. It’s a major faux pas if the moose doesn’t move…(Set the alarm to remember to move the darn moose..check…don’t forget M&M’s…check) If he doesn’t move, resort to any of the below reasons…
- He ate too much, can’t move.
- He had mommy juice (wine), can’t move.
- He moved, don’t you see his arm is in a different spot than it was yesterday?!
The best part, you know Christmas is getting closer when the Chrismoose makes his way up the stairs, closer to the bedrooms…until, on Christmas Eve, he’s waiting silently in the kids bedroom. He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake..(should be extra creepy right?…but they love it)

I assume Christmoose will hitch a ride to Iowa?!😆
Oh yes, he’s making the trip!