Lean In, to the downtime

When the pandemic began my parents and I began walking every day during lunch time together. A few pairs of Asics later and I think at this point we have walked from Albany, NY to New York City if I calculate the mileage. It was really the only way we could see each other or spend time together.

Since my parents have gotten vaccinated and are going to the gym a few days a week now, I’m continuing to walk on my lunch hour. I live near the Hudson River, kind of in a valley. I walked yesterday, the wind was crazy strong.

As I was walking, I thought of Sheryl Sandberg’s book title Lean In. It started to have a whole new meaning for me. At first the wind was coming at me from the front. I would literally be leaning in almost not moving. Then all of a sudden the wind would come to a complete stop and I would jolt forward a bit, trying not to fall flat on my face.

On the return trip, I assumed the wind would be at my back, not so. It was coming at me from all sides. PS. At this stage my hair looked like a giant tumbleweed on top of my head, this would need to be fixed before my next ZOOM meeting.

it’s what I could find LOL

Warning, falling possible

Sheryl’s meaning of leaning in meant that women should Lean In especially at work, into areas traditionally held by men. While I support this, I was thinking more about life in general. When I was walking against the wind, it was hard. I had to be on guard, I didn’t know when the force against me was going to let up and give me a break. I also had to be prepared, I didn’t want to fall flat on my face (if you know my clumsy self you know that is entirely possible).


How many times have we been pushing ourselves and the forces against us just stop, or we stop because of exhaustion? How many times have we had the rug pulled out from under us and fallen flat on our face?

On my return trip, when the wind was at my back did I appreciate the assistance in moving forward? I was thinking that when the wind is at my back, this is when I really need to take advantage. I need to take some time for myself, a WOMENT and appreciate the help. When things are going smooth, this is when we need to be grateful and recharge. This will give you the needed fuel, for when the wind changes course and hits us again from every direction.

Taking time to regroup, treat yourself when you can, helps carry you through.

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