Sharing a Woment!!!! Beyond the comfort zone.

A friend of I’m having a Woment, text us and said, “I’ve got a good Woment for you”. We suggested she write a blog, but she wanted to remain anonymous. We totally respect that. So here is a blog from K. Enjoy!!!!!

(Remember to get in touch with us if you want to share one of your Woments!)

As I’m heading towards 50 and my kids are a lot less dependent on me, I decided it was time to do something for myself.  So after being a casual player for many years, I took the bold step of signing up for tennis lessons.

Let’s face it, I was also looking for an excuse to get out of the house after six months of working from home.

Based on the large turnout at the first lesson, I think a lot of my fellow classmates felt the same way.  The group was a mix of male and female, mostly middle age, who were willing to try something new in this age of restrained outings and masked encounters.

Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids

Although I’ve been playing casually for 30 years, I knew the lessons were going to focus on improving my technique. As I had feared, there was a big difference between hitting a tennis ball at a park and hitting the ball when you were told how to properly hold the racquet and position your feet.  After a sweaty 90 minutes (mask included), our instructor said he was happy with our progress for the first day and we headed out (OK, so he probably says that to every group).

On the way home, I felt an energy that had been lacking for some time. Just getting out of the house and interacting with people felt great.  The lesson provided me with the woment that I needed – two hours away from work, social media and household chores.  My mind was clear, my mood had improved and my family was anxious to hear about my new adventure.  If there is one thing that I have learned in this pandemic is to not take social interaction for granted and maybe go beyond your comfort zones to keep that interaction going.

Although I have a long way to go with my tennis game, I am already looking forward to next weeks lesson.

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