The Rose

I was driving in the car, and it all came back to me when I heard this song.

When I was in grammar school, I was very shy.  I wasn’t popular or unpopular, I was somewhere in the middle.  

By the time I got to 8th grade, I became restless.  I wanted to break out of my shell.  I felt like I had a personality and talent that I didn’t show.  For some reason in 8th grade I decided it was time to break out of my shy shell.  I tried to make some new friends in my class, hang out with different people (ok I went to a small Catholic school and we only had 40 kids in my class LOL but still).

I was in glee club and we had Christmas shows every year.  I loved performing, singing, acting and I played the clarinet (inherited from my father).  

So, in 8th grade I went for it.  The 8th grade class would always put on a musical.  I didn’t know this particular play/musical, I just knew I was going to try out and push myself, no matter what.

My friend played the piano, so she offered to practice with me. She played and I sang over and over again.  

The day came for try outs.  I knew I had one competitor (name withheld, but her mother was also directing this show for our class) for the lead part, the princess 👸.  

I don’t remember how many of my fellow classmates auditioned, but I remember mine.  I was one of the last people to get up to sing.  In my plaid Catholic School uniform skirt, knee highs, blouse and cardigan, feeling sick with nerves, I climbed the stairs onto the stage in our auditorium. When I visit my grammar school today the gym doesn’t seem as big, but as an 8th grader, it seemed enormous, especially this particular day.

The key in which this song is sung was perfect for my voice.  I stood in the middle of the stage and the piano began to play, that one repetitive note over and over again.  I began to sing.  


My song, The Rose, originally sung by Bett Midler.

Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seedIt’s the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
It’s the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed, that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Amanda McbroomThe Rose lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

The gym filled with my classmates quieted.  I became so nervous, I couldn’t look at anyone, so I looked up.  Not making eye contact.  Then, other classes began to fill the gym as I got to the second verse for an assembly.  As I sang more and more kids poured in.  Shock was on people’s faces, no one knew I had it in me.  

I was doing it!  I was singing my heart out and I was good.  I was having my Woment.  

When I finished, I received a standing ovation.  I think I really shocked myself as well as my class.

Since this moment, there are times in my life I push myself.  I push myself to take the steps that scare me.  To conquer them for myself and no one else.  

In Makeup ready to take the stage.
Eighth grade!

In the end I didn’t get the lead part, my competitor did.  I got the second female part that had the most singing. It was ok, because from the start I knew what the outcome would be, no matter what I had done.  But I set out to prove something to myself.

Take the chance, say yes to things that are scary.  Prove something to yourself and sing!!!!!!

+ posts
    1. Awe…thanks Daryl. I remember it like it was yesterday. My friend from grammer school text me immediately 🤣

  1. So many travel days and banquet nights, ( HK, UK, India, US ) and this never came up? Well heck. I don’t suppose I told anyone I was a tenor in College chorus. Might have reinforced a 3/4ths rating given me at Ned Kelly’s Last stand. Good for you, and beautiful for Dawn to comment. M.

    1. Thanks Mark. I’m surprised we didn’t discuss our singing careers too 😊