Makin’ Butter

About a cup of cream and 1/4 tsp salt

I love butter!  Who doesn’t?  When you have restless kids at home, or if you feel like an arm workout to really earn it, make some butter!  Walking through the aisles of the grocery store during CoVid started giving me a false sense of needing to hoard.  The shelves were becoming bare…juice, milk, eggs, bread, yeast, butter!  We need to get resourceful and stop the madness.

I figured out a way to provide at least 15 minutes of entertainment.

Get a mason jar with a lid you can screw down tight

Pour in about a cup of heavy cream, pinch of salt, shake, shake, shake – BUTTER!!

In about 10 minutes you’ll have whipped cream.

In about 5 more minutes, there will be a ball of butter surrounded by liquid, strain the liquid off into another dish…it’s buttermilk.  Liquid gold for pancakes, banana bread, you name it.

Wrap the little ball of golden deliciousness in saran wrap and you are official a domestic diva.  That was a WOMENT of my own!


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