BEE the Queen Bee!

When you are complimented for your mentoring style, take a WOMENT and appreciate what that means.  Be proud of yourself for being an example and guide for someone Pushing someone to grow while meeting and respecting where they are in their personal development.   Sadly, my company had some layoffs recently due to covid and…

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Makin’ Butter

I love butter!  Who doesn’t?  When you have restless kids at home, or if you feel like an arm workout to really earn it, make some butter!  Walking through the aisles of the grocery store during CoVid started giving me a false sense of needing to hoard.  The shelves were becoming bare…juice, milk, eggs, bread,…

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Quarantine Fashion 101

This whole thing is BANANAS…and hopefully ripe ones, so you can use them for your banana bread, amirite?? One of the many quarantine trends that have emerged, on top of re-planting scallions, dalgona coffee, and tie-dying anything that’ll take color in your closet (FYI: 100% cotton – most effective). We all seem to be in the…

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I turned 50 this past February.  I was born during a massive snowstorm and turned 50 just before a global pandemic.  Not sure what the universe is trying to tell me, and I wonder what will happen when I turn 100? I’ve been fortunate to have a job that has taken me around the globe…

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Chez Fabulous

Honestly, I don’t want to tell you what the most amazing restaurant in the world is.  If I tried to get a reservation, and you booked it up and let’s just suppose I was in Paris for one night only and couldn’t get in, there would be trouble. My coworkers and I attended a fabric…

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What is Normal?

Ah, Being a kid!  We all have great memories of the good old days.  Growing up on a farm in the Midwest, I have many memories of catching my horse in the pasture amongst a herd of Angus cattle.  Better yet, spending HOURS hiding a halter behind my back, so he didn’t run from me. …

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