Trick or Treat

Halloween is such a fun memory for me.  No scary movies for this chicken. I think I was scarred for life when I was younger. We had a marathon one time at a friend’s house of Jaws & Michael movies and then innocently my friend Tina and I went to the movies and thinking Fatal Attraction was a love story (duh…”fatal” haha).   

If I think back, there are a few things I remember the most about Halloween when I was a kid:

1). I could wear my costume to school. This was a big deal for a Catholic School uniform wearing kid.  What a fun day this was no plaid uniform today!!!!

Christine as a St. Ambrose School cheer leader for Halloween.

2). My mom always made my costumes and or we pulled a costume together from things we had at home. Never did my brother or I buy a costume. Maybe on occasion a mask but we preferred using makeup for our ghoulish looks.  This is where my Mom first taught me how to sew a bit. Now, I’m not a master by any means but I can sew a hem and do a button when need be.  Thank you Mom for the lessons and the costumes, something I will always remember.

Christine and her brother Mike ready to get the loot.

3). Darkness, I remember running from house to house with my friends, we never took a flash light.  House to house and block to block.   Some years it was nice, some it rained and some it was so cold you had to wear your costume over your winter coat. We ran and our fathers, usually, walked along the bottom of the driveways socializing and trying to keep track and keep up with us.  Mom usually stayed home and manned the door. Back then we would have a couple hundred kids. Now my parents are lucky if they get 10. How neighborhoods change over time.

4). Trading candy.  We would end up at someone’s house and everyone would dump and sort the candy from their buckets.  We would then trade, making deals and bartering.  After all that, back in the bucket it would go all mixed up again.  The goal, how many Reese’s Peanut butter cups could you get.  Gotta get rid of the pencils or erasers HAHAHAHA

5). I will just leave you with this clip:

As I got older Halloween became LAME…. Until college and then it became a blast again.  

Now, if you have kids, pass out candy or decorate the office like we’ve been doing, Halloween is not going to be the same this year.  But there are fun and creative ways to make it memorable.

Lara and her brother Adam.

You can still make a costume from items in your house. Come on get creative cotton balls and a new plunger, should be able to make something (those were just two random things I chose, but you get the idea).  Lara is going to a trunk or treat.  She’s been coaxed by her kids to dress up (photo’s coming) but I told her to be sure to take a Woment in her costume.  We’ll see what she comes up with, something tells me wine will be involved.    My friends in Seattle built a slide that they are going to use, to give out FULL-SIZE BARS. Remember the neighbors who gave out full size candy bars when you were a kid.   I may fly to Seattle just for that HAHAHAHAHA.  

Happy Halloween whatever you do, take a Woment, walk down memory lane and just remember no eggs, shaving cream or toilet paper.  

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    1. Thanks so much Linda. Happy Halloween to you and Doc as well. Glad you are enjoying. If you ever want to write about one of your Woments, we are always looking for guest blog writers.

  1. We loved seeing your costumes and how they turned out. Many happy memories just a mere years ago. Where did you fine those photos, they were great.