Alarm Cat

Some of us need alarm clocks and some are so programmed, the internal alarm does the trick. I never can completely rely on myself to just get up in the morning, and I do not necessarily always depend on the good old alarm clock…or for some the phone, but I can ALWAYS depend on my…

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Work/Play Balance

Remember when you were a kid and you didn’t have a second thought about doing something fun? Welcome to being a responsible adult! Working all the time, try to get some time to yourself for a workout or have a hot cup of coffee…work some more, take an hour to get a kid to a…

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Football Season

Is it soccer or football? I’m aware fall is Football season.  That’s why I’m writing this blog (hehe).  My friend Tina is a Philadelphia Eagles fan, and she won’t be happy with this, Hi Tina.  I really don’t know how it happened.  When I tell my dad today that I’m a Premiere League Football fan…

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Believe What You See

Tis the season for a good scary story. I had shared one of my most memorable stories with “The Homeowner ” and we invite you to share yours too! Since I’m on the topic, I thought it would add to the creepy factor to share a very recent and true event. I am writing this…

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The Homeowner

This is my story of how I had the nudge I needed to become a first time homeowner. More importantly, it is the story of a woman claiming her home. Believe what you will, but the following events are true.  Living in a 150-year-old home was an experience I will never forget, but most of…

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Modern Dear Abby I might be late to the party, but that’s nothing new to me. Usually, the last one to catch onto a great TV show (Ted Lasso), new music and sometimes even a trend. I was texting with my friend Tim. When life hands us lemons the both of us have turned to…

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