Last Semester, Like Sands Through the Hourglass, so are the…

Lara – North Mahaska High School Graduation

Whether you’re getting ready to graduate or have a fond memory college; often too many to count, there’s nothing like the excitement or fear of entering the unknown.  A couple of years ago, I was able to visit my alma mater, Iowa State University.  I was attending the centennial celebration of Gamma Phi Beta Omega chapter.  The women I came to know at college in the Gamma Phi house were an amazing part of so many shared WOMENTS.  So many of those memories came flooding back from our time in the house when we took a tour through our old living quarters.

Centennial Reunion- Lara and Betsy in one of the rooms we lived in and had so many memories.

One in particular, that I have a scar to remember for it, was one of the craziest finals weeks I had ever encountered.  I was in the AMDP (Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Production) program in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.  Yes, we all need clothing, food, and shelter in family and consumer sciences.  Remember that with the next amazing item you want to purchase..take a WOMENT😊  I was taking 21 credits, the director of the student fashion show, sewing evening wear for the same show, and making wearable art for creative design (such as a dress made from roofing shingles).  Now, you probably think the scar came from making a dress out of roofing shingles.  Nope…it was my friend the exacto knife.

On top of the already crazy workload, I had a visual mood board presentation to pull off for another class and only one hour left to deliver.  I was cutting my last piece of black foam core, with only a few more things to paste.  It was the usual chill computer afternoon time for my roomies watching Days of our Lives in the background while I was doing what they called “arts and crafts time”.  Cutting foam core on the floor of our tiny room was an art.  I had done it a hundred times.  Hold down the metal ruler, use the excato knife, bam…clean line every time.  This time, the clean line went right through the nail bed of my ring finger.  I had a shooter, there were screams during Days, everyone was wondering what was going on in the top floor bungalow of the house.

Melissa, Betsy and Lara. ISU graduation day!
Roomies together again!
Melissa, Betsy and Lara

So much for the hour deadline, maybe I could pull this off.  My wonderful room mates were convinced I needed stitches, so we headed to the student health center.  I took my project with me, I had to make it in time.  My finger had its own heartbeat, but I was determined to get that project handed in.  We sat patiently in the doctor’s office.  My friends sitting with me, talking me off a ledge; not about the finger, about my project.  Then…in walked the most gorgeous doctor imaginable.  The typical tall, dark, handsome guy to look at my ridiculous cut finger.  I felt like a wimp, but the sucker was really bleeding and pretty sure I hit bone.  Well…we all forgot about the finger.  How about that doctor?  My girlfriends went silent, we all did, totally speechless as he glued a clean cut together.  AND, I made it to my class in time to hand in a project I’ll never forget.  A crazy WOMENT of shooting blood across the room while watching soaps was quickly forgotten when we all had our dream doctor WOMENT.

Now, I don’t have the best track record with cutting tools, guess I need to understand my blood circle a little better as they say in the boy scouts.  I have finally learned and now have my husband handle anything involving cutting packages and getting kids toys out of the impossible to open packaging…that’s another story and another WOMENT.  I guess crazy things happen when I’m under pressure with sharp objects!

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  1. Okay, I love this so much for so many reasons. 🤣And you still look the same!! #sharpobjects #hotdoctors. ❤️

  2. Okay, I love this for so many reasons! ❤️ And you look the same!! #sharpobjects #hotdoctors

  3. I remember that well!! You come from a long line of tough, shall I say instead of stubborn or bullheaded “determined, push through no matter” 😆 Iowa farm ladies!! Love you!😘

  4. I remember that well!!! You come from a long line of, shall I say instead of stubborn or bullheaded😆, “determined to push through, no matter” 😁 Iowa farm ladies! Love you!
