Find a Date in Dubai

Once upon a time, the Dubai airport became a familiar place to us.  Duty free, the Nutella stand at 2:00 am, our quest for the perfect red lipstick, endless laps to hit our steps for the day, but best of all…the dates. 

Remember our Red Lip Blog?

No, not that kind of date!  One of our fond memories of the Dubai airport is the time we started to barter for the succulent sweet fruit.  Not knowing the language or entirely familiar with the currency after a 15-hour flight, we thought we were going to have to pay a ridiculous amount for a few dates.  We said, no way!  The vendor behind the counter must have felt sorry for us.  Before we knew it, we were offered samples.  We didn’t feel right, a free date in Dubai!  It just seems wrong.  Now we really have to buy some. 

Wasting time in Dubai….dates where are those dates?

We told the man behind the date counter we would be back.  We calculated and researched the various other date vendors.  When we arrived at the next vendor, they looked at us like we were crazy when we mentioned the price.  Oh no, they explained…here, have some samples!  No way, more free dates.  It was our lucky day, now we definitely had to start paying for all of these free dates. 

Camel Milk Chocolate. Try it! You’ll like it.

Little did we know, we were also getting major health benefits and they really weren’t that expensive.  With some snacks for the next long flight and feeling like we had enough antioxidants to make it through..camel milk chocolate counts too, right? 

We will never forget the WOMENT we had together getting so many free dates in Dubai.

Dubai, red lips, happy with our dates LOL.
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