Layover Goals

Although we aren’t traveling much these days, we thought we would share some layover tips from our past journeys. Masters of packing, maybe.  Looking flawless on arrival, never.  Knowing how to survive, always!

It’s all in the layover.  Plan it just right, and it’s your path to survival.  With over 40 years of combined experience in exhausting, exhilarating, and sometimes scary travel, we have common theories to live by that make that precious layover part of the journey.

Glam girls – Lara and Lee shopping in Paris.

1. Walk, walk, walk….  You’re going to have your knees crammed into the back of an airplane seat for God knows how long.  We have been known to hit several Fit Bit goals before hitting the next flight.

Lara taking a break from walking in the Dubai airport – 3 hours, 10,000 steps!

2. Hydrate!  Chug, chug, chug, and chug some more WATER.  Which leads me to point 3.

Basically tastes like the Bud Light of Taiwan LOL.

3. Frequent pit stops.  If you must on the plane, we swear by Doterra hand sanitizer.  Is it bad to spray it on other people, maybe…but never afraid to douse an airplane bathroom, seat or tray?

4. If you have another 5+ hours to go, use the time now to do a quick face wash, deodorant and change!  Yes, carry on with underwear, critical!

5. Always have a good read to circulate to your travel buddies.  It’s a great time to catch up but save it for the plane!

6. Chat with the airport staff and other curious travelers.  You would be surprised what can come of it.  We have had free LaMer facials at 4:00 am, samples of scotch, and insider scoop from the locals on cool places to see.

Layover in Iceland, Icelandic Air offeres this as an option

7. Don’t eat lettuce, runny eggs, or anything that isn’t cooked to death.  Those experiences are for another post.  Not just international ladies.

8. Always have lipstick!  I know, not possible to look flawless on arrival, but a great lip color can hide multitudes of exhaustion.  Our personal favorite, see Christine’s red lip blog on Dolce & Gabbana!

This is how Lara and Christine do Mauritius in the pouring rain.

9. Do I dare say this, but Mobile Passport is amazing.  Download on your layover to get ready for your arrival home.  Otherwise, get that landing card filled out before you pass out on the plane, much easier now than when you’re drooling on yourself later.

10. Photo ops are key, get some inspiration, have some fun, be spontaneous, and most of all share some WOMENTS with your travel buds!

The Burj Khalifa, Dubai whirlwind tour – Tallest building in the world at 2,716 ft
Dubai whirlwind city tour! Time we’ll spent on a VERY long layover.
Paris Premier Vision
We will miss you, Notre Dame
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