My Give a Damn is Busted

Perspective is everything.


The daily race; drag yourself out of bed, try to put together a fashionable outfit down to the shoe, great accessories, hair and makeup…I’m all set. Now get three little people ready for school/daycare, make breakfasts, get lunches, mad dash to work while eating in the car, manage a full work day, leave just in time to pick one kid up at daycare, then to another location to pick the other two up from an afterschool program. Run through the door at home…everyone is starving from pets to kids, go through the mail, make dinner, get kids a bath and to bed on time so they aren’t impossible to wake up in the morning. Finally crawl into bed to wake up and do it all over again.


We’ve adjusted to a completely different routine, and I’m not going to lie, I can’t imagine ever going back to the “way things were.” Wake up before the kids, get a workout in, still have to get three little people ready for the day, but I’m in my yoga pants. Walk my two boys out the bus and we get a chance to talk to each other. My daughter is thrilled to get to preschool to see her friends. No guilt when I drop her off, that’s the best…no mom guilt. Get home and enjoy a hot cup of coffee and some breakfast while I go through emails…still in my yoga pants. Work day is starting and I’m business from the waist up, pure comfort from the bottom down. Hair and makeup is considered for video meeting days, otherwise, my skin can breathe! A quick lunchtime walk outside and back to work. No office drama, pure quiet, time to focus. I actually get things done and get to experience the “at home” mom life and greet my kids off of the school bus. I get off-line in time to make a meal without the timer in my brain counting down the minutes I have to get kids to bed.

Now, it hasn’t all been roses and daisies…a lot of people can relate to this…

We love how Dude Dad takes some time for a WOMENT!

A Few Things I Have Come To Realize

  • Managing to shut down the home office at a reasonable time and be home.
  • Family is far more important that getting worked up over something at work.
  • And best of all, I’m more aware of the the little things…watching the birds outside after I fill the feeder, snuggling on the couch with kids and enjoying a glass of wine.

We’ve all gone through so many transitions between the “then” and “now”, but sit back and take in a new perspective of you now. I’ve quickly realized things that would have really thrown me for a loop or made me ruminate for days don’t really matter anymore. Some things have happened at work that should have made me really upset before, but they didn’t. Wow, my give a damn is busted…or is it?

Be thankful for the WOMENTS to get outside for that walk, let your skin breathe, and YES…wear the yoga pants.

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