WOMENTS in the Car

We’ve all been there.  So many scenarios, some maybe better saved while you’re not driving, but all WOMENTS.

  • The quiet drive to work – The morning news, your favorite music, some coffee.  Game on, getting ready for the day!
  • The phone call – We’ve all done it.  You’re at work, need to sneak out for a “quick call”, or interview..who knows?  Maybe it’s just to vent, laugh, or a good cry.  Regardless, your car is there as the safe haven that only you can use for your private office.
  • Leaving work, there are a few different rides home.  They are: A) Exhausted  B) Thank God you’re finally going home…crushed it today, or  C) Pissed off.  Depending on the situation, there’s usually a window down, music up, talking to yourself, screaming, or a hands free phone call to talk you off the ledge.
  • Date night, enough said.
  • Winter Driving..can anyone relate to good old white knuckle driving? You finally make it home and can peel your hands off the steering wheel from navigating snow and ice. My mom recently reminded me of our Thelma and Louise WOMENT in time, when we bucked snow drifts to get home during a blizzard in Iowa.
  • Road Trip!  Get the chips, twizzlers, and series of deep conversation ready.  Things are going to get interesting.
  • Singing like Lady Gaga! Better yet.. Melissa McCarthy in the video below.
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