It finally happened! I ventured out on my first flight since the world shut down a year ago. I almost didn’t recognize the airport that I was at nearly every month. Traveling was so natural to me, but now I kind of felt like a fish out of water…what would the “new” style of travel be like? Will anybody have a mask meltdown? The anxiety was looming, but I was pleasantly surprised by the…knock on wood….much easier travel experience. Securely fasten your seatbelt, you may use your hand-held device now, and ALWAYS ALWAYS put on your air mask first before helping others. Here are my top 5 WOMENTS on a plane, Covid style!

Lara’s Top 5 WOMENTS on the Plane
- Flying usually dries out your skin. I had my own self hydration system from steamy mask breath. The skin around my mouth was glowing!
- Pound the mini bottle of wine mid-flight and pass out while “catching flies”… Midwest term for a gaping mouth while sleeping, often accompanied by drooling. Nobody will know thanks to the mask.
- Talking to yourself while plummeting through cloud cover. Yes, I did this and nobody least I hope so.
- Shallow mask breathing lowered anxiety during turbulence. Well…that and the second mini bottle of wine. Did you know 2 mini bottles is only equivalent to 1 glass? Don’t worry, I did the math,.
- No more RBF (Resting Bitch Face)..sorry Christine. Check out Christine’s RBF blog for explanation Everyone seems so much more friendly with the lack of visible expression. Smile with your eyes Ladies!!
So there you have it. Wash your hands, don’t touch anything, and sit back and relax while the scent of rubbing alcohol wipes fill the air when you get in your seat.